Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Days doings

While walking my dog in the woods yesterday snapping pictures, I had the opportunity to get a neat shot of a red dragon fly. I was amazed that it stayed where it had landed long enough for me to creep up close, hit 'macro' on the camera and catch this photo...

Also yesterday, I started a jumper which has been waiting a looong time for me to get to it. Butterick #3966, style B, I love the pleats, I am doing it in a blue denim. This marks the beginning of my second project on my own, the first was a revolutionary war costume vest for my brother, (Butterick #3072). Sewing is so much fun, what a joy to see a garment shape beneath your hands!

Today we went to the abortion clinic in Duluth Minnesota where we plead for the babies that are about to be killed. We ask the mothers to please not do this to their little ones and offer them help and resources. We are called Sidewalk Councilors because we stand on the public sidewalks and council the woman not to kill their child.

There were nine of us out there today, standing near three entrance ways. I cannot describe how horrific it is to see those mothers hurry past us to get into the building. It reminds me of the verse, "Their feet are swift to shed innocent blood." While we wait for the mothers to come we pray together and sing praises to God. Six woman came today and we talked to each one saying whatever God laid on our hearts at the moment for each individual.

It's not that I can't find better things to do with the time God has granted me, I do not like standing in public and declaring the words of the Lord, this flesh of mine resists the discomfort of the situation, but I truly believe God has commanded us to plead for those that are appointed to death. In Proverbs 24:11-12 it says, "Rescue those who are being taken away to death; hold back those who are stumbling to the slaughter. If you say, "Behold, we did not know this," does not he who weighs the heart perceive it? Does not he who keeps watch over your soul know it, and will he not repay man according to his work?" (ESV).
How could it be more clear? I fear not to obey.

None of the ladies changed their mind that we know of...we will not know until Heaven how many lives were spared through this work. Sometimes a mother will come out and tell us that she has changed her mind, then oh what joy fills our heats! We give these mothers help in the form of lodging, food, clothing, whatever they need. Once in a great while sidewalk councilors get to hold a baby God has used them to save, my family has not yet had this privilege but it looks like a possibility in the near future.

The Lord Jesus Christ is so very wonderful, He deserves endless praise!

I had the great blessing today of spending time with some friends and their children. Two little bitty girls, two and one year olds, were so adorable and such fun to be around. It causes me to be so aware of what I am doing since they mimic everything.

I need to go walk and feed my dog...so long folks.



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