Thursday, June 25, 2009

Forgotten Blog?

No, I did not forget I had a blog, though it may appear that way! We have just been far too busy with garden work over here, and finally it is all in...almost, there is a little more to do... oh well, if I think about it, gardening is never really done until winter comes in force, and even then we are often canning tomatoes into December. :-) I am very thankful to the Lord for good weather, we have had several days now that are in the 80s and that is great for the garden!

We celebrated Father's Day by planting potatoes together, Michael barbecued chicken and I baked a chocolate cake...Happy Father's Day Daddy!

My brother Michael turned twenty...Happy Birthday Michael! Wow, that is hard to believe!

I gave away the kitten I was keeping "Hope" because her temperament did not work for our family and I am now keeping a kitten who seems to fit much better into our family.

This is Jenny

We also received our meat bird chicks in the mail, or I should say my Mom's chicks since she does all the work with them, and it is a whole lot of work!

Here are some random pictures:

I love where we live!

Beautiful storm cloud

The Sunset illuminating that storm cloud.

My dog, Abby

Praise ye the Lord. Praise ye the Lord from the heavens: praise him in the heights. Praise ye him, all his angels: praise ye him, all his hosts. Praise ye him, sun and moon: praise ye him all ye stars of light. Praise him, ye heavens of heavens, and ye waters that be above the heavens. Let them praise the name of the Lord: for he commanded, and they were created." Psalms 148:1-5


Megan said...

Hello! I liked the pictures. The one of the sun illuminating the clouds is very pretty :) Also, your new kitten is very cute! How many meat chickens did you all order? This year we purchased 12, but we've lost three so far.

~ Megan

Leah said...

Thank you and welcome to my blog Megan!
It's no fun to loose chicks, we have lost one so far. We do two batches of one hundred each and sell what we do not need. My Mom does most of the work, while I tend the gardens.

I really enjoy reading your blog and have tried to leave comments, but for some reason the set-up you have for your comment box does not work with our computer and my comments never reach you.
So good to hear from you!
Love in Christ,

Megan said...


I am glad that you enjoy my blog! :) I think I have fixed the problem for you, I made it so the comments form comes in a new window like it does on your blog. Hope it works for you now :)

Hope you have a blessed day in the Lord!


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