Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Promises of God

Take hold, oh fainting heart, upon the Key of Promise. Do you think it will break beneath your weight? Fear not! God's honor rests upon keeping His promises, He will not fail to uphold them. Throughout the ages His faithfulness has been proven, His changeless nature shown. The promises of God are not idle words or hopeful fancies, behind them stands the weight of He who spoke the world into existence. What God has promised, He is more than able to fulfill; therefore look up. Dwell not on the greatness of your problems, sink not in the waves of circumstance. Be not consumed by impossibilities, and your own inability. Only look now to the Powerful One, He who delights to do the impossible. See not your great troubles, instead see your Great God. Take up the shield of Faith, it is given for your defense.


Farming Wisconsin said...

Hi Leah, where did you get this picture of the man and team of horses? I'm looking for cover art for my book, and this is along the lines of what I was thinking. Thanks! Betsy

Rachel S. said...

Wow- this is SOOOOOO good! Thank you so much for posting!


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