Wednesday, May 13, 2009

An Update on Happenings Here

I have been busy, busy, busy, with transplanting tomatoes and herbs and studying Spanish. The plants are going from their seedling soil-less mix to potting dirt and there are a lot that need to be transplanted. I have way too many tomato plants and herbs this year, so I hope to sell some at our local farmers market. I have begun to study Spanish in earnest and that is taking up most of my computer time, but I love it.
Here are some recent pictures, first in the "growing room":

In the foreground are cabbage seedlings.

Out side we have some things growing happily:

Garlic, planted in the fall.


Pepper Mint
Chocolate Mint
I love this stuff, it really tastes like chocolate mint!


Kittens! This is Maria.

Mother's day was a fun day as we had my sister and her four children over. There were three mothers to celebrate! I decided to forget about being an adult for a while and played with the is 1841 and we are pioneers out west, we have finally arrived at the place we wish to settle. There are no cars, planes, phones or computers. Sorry, no flame-throwers either! Oh no, lookout here come some Indians! Actually, we can't understand their language, if we want to trade with them we will have to make them understand by get the idea, we had fun. :-)

The three Mothers!

The three Stooges..oops, I mean Devin, Ashely and Brittany. :-)

and Matthew
in Grandpa's truck. He is taller than me now!

On Tuesday last week we were out at the abortion clinic bright and early as normal. It had been especially impressed upon us to make sure we share the gospel as we talk to the mothers, pleading for their babies lives. It is wonderful to open our mouths in praises to God as we stand on the streets. We sing hymns, read the Bible, pass out gospel tracts and pray, pray, pray, while we wait for the mothers to come. Spiritually, it is a lot of work! This Tuesday my Mom talked to one mother who said that she was "undecided" about getting the abortion. My Mom talked to her about her baby and told her that God has created her and He has created her baby. She asked this lady what she would say to God when she stands before Him to give an account of what she did to her own child. My Mom asked if she could pray for her, to the which she agreed and afterward gave my Mom a big hug and left the area. A little later we saw her drive away and she smiled and waved at us! We praise God for this life spared from the pains of death and pray that He will draw this dear lady to Himself for salvation.
As we were preparing to leave, a young mother and her mother came out of the building smiling and crying (this is always a good sign!). When asked if they had changed their mind, they said Yes! Praise God again! This young mother said that she was not sure what made her do it, but she asked to see her ultra-sound and changed her mind when she saw her baby. They were both so excited, the Grandma of the baby said, "he looks like me!" and "we're going to have a baby!" They were very happy to receive the gift of a diaper bag with baby things and a $100 gift certificate, (we try to give these gift to all those who tell us they have changed their mind). We also gave them a Bible and gospel tract and my Mom was able to share the gospel with them.

You should have seen us after all this happened, we were so excited and praising God! What a joyful time that was, but it was damped by the thought of the seven other mothers who did not come out.

Later on that same Tuesday we went to UMD to hold gospel signs and pass out gospel tracts. There were several good conversations that took place, we pray that God will turn the hearts of these young people to Himself. Steve brought his two daughters Amoriah (3) and Maylea (almost 2) and they helped pass out tracts as well. People enjoy taking tracts from these adorable little girls. Though we were saddened to see how many young women would harden their heart and turn away from that little out-stretched hand. This is most likely because they have had an abortion, since the statistics show 1 out of 3 woman in the US have had an abortion.

Here is part of the crew, my Mom is taking the picture and Josh was somewhere else.

Yesterday abortions were done again and there were thirteen mothers who went in. None said they changed their mind but one did leave early. One pedestrian passing by on the sidewalk began yelling at my Mom. She was very angry that we talk to the mothers who are going to kill their children, she kept saying "I see how things are, you are in your own little box and don't see what is happening." This made my Mom call to mind John 9:39-41, so she asked, "You say you see?" The lady answered "Yes, I see!" My Mom said, "So, you are blind." The lady soon left, but this was a sad reminder of the state many people are in. They believe themselves capable of sight and reason, but do not know that a veil of blindness is yet over their eyes and heart. Proverbs 28:5 Evil men understand not justice: but they that seek the Lord understand all things.

Today I am meditating on this scripture: "For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad. Knowing therefore the terror of the Lord, we persuade men..." 2 Corinthians 5:10-11

It hit me that here we are given a very good reason to share the gospel, the terror of the Lord! If we take verse ten seriously, than how much do we have to hate someone to not share the gospel with them?! (in the words of an atheist who said, if the gospel is true than that is what he would ask.) and yet so often I let opportunities slip by without a word. Oh Lord, teach me to have the terror of the Lord!



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