Thursday, November 12, 2009

Eyes Focused on Jesus

Oh, let us keep our eyes on Jesus dear sisters! There is no other help for us. If we focus on our ministry, on the things we do for God and not on Him, then are we sure to drift. To gaze at Him, to seek, and adore Him is our great privilege. Upon taking our eyes off of Jesus we are sure to falter, slip and fall. Remember Peter on the water. He took his eyes off of Jesus, and soon sunk in the waves. How easy it is for us to look at our circumstances instead of our great God. Again, how easy it is to look at our work, and ministry, instead of looking at He who equips us unto the ministry. For a time we can manage to go on "auto pilot", seeming to be in the same spiritual state as before, but time will show that growth has stopped. We will begin to notice a coldness in our hearts, a lack of deep fellowship with our God. Outwardly we say the same things, do the same things, but inwardly we are groping in the dark, dieing. Indeed, if this process continues, we will stop bearing fruit all together, and being no longer a glory to our King, we will in a sense die.

Thanks be to God who gives us the victory in Christ Jesus our Lord! Cry out to Him for mercy, repent of your sin. Seek fellowship with your Father in Heaven, and plead with Him to soften and change your heart. He is our dear Father, we can cry Abba (Daddy!) and oh how tenderly He cares for us.

These things I know because for a time I had forgotten. I looked around me instead of at Jesus, and I was miserable. But, Praise be to God who brought me out of the pit and brought me back to the the Light of His countenance! Our God is so good, faithful, and kind!

We do not have the answers, but He does. We cannot see the future, but He does. And He cares, He knows how to get a hold of our hearts. Give Him your heart, and He will glorify Himself through you. Oh what joy!


Rachel S. said...

Thank you for sharing these thoughts with us. I -for one- really needed to read it! Love you!♥


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