Monday, December 15, 2008

Let it Snow!

We have snow! A snow storm blew through yesterday, dumping seven or eight inches of snow on us. It is hard to tell how much we actually have because the wind was blowing pretty hard, causing the snow to drift.
We also had my sister's four children here for the weekend, who caused our ordinarily quite home to buzz. We all enjoyed each others company, working together, playing games, telling Bible stories, etc. This morning the temperature stayed under zero degrees, which combined with a stiff breeze made forays to the out of doors short lived.


Brittany shoveling our driveway

Ashley and I

Ashley's shadow!

It really does not seem like a lot of snow to me, compared to years past but I am glad that it is finally here! As I have often been heard to say, "If it is going to be cold, there might as well be snow and lots of it!"

And because I couldn't resist...

Does any one else love snow?


Victoria Rebecca said...

I do!! You have a lovely blog! We haven't had any snow this year though.

Leah said...

Thank you Victoria, I am glad you love snow too, though I am sorry you do not have any yet. What state do you live in? We are getting even more snow today and have another storm coming tomorrow!
I especially like the kind of snow where you can see the individual snowflakes, it makes me stop and thank our wonderful Creator!
In Christ,


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