Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Thanksgiving weekend

What a wonderful extended weekend we have had!
For Thanksgiving we went to my Grandma's in Michigan and had a good visit with her. My sister Bonnie and her four children were planning to come with us, but came down with the flu the night before, so we missed having them. We had made eight pies which is our family's Thanksgiving tradition, but with only five people to eat them, we wondered what to do. That dilemma was resolved very satisfactorily when we called some friends who live in the area and arranged to have desert with them. They have six children still at home and also had a family with ten children visiting from out of town, and some other friends stopped by. We had a wonderful time! After eating lots of pie, we gathered for a time of fellowship and singing as we worshipped the Lord. It was a great blessing as God opened several hearts to share salvation testimonies and at times, many in the room were weeping. We are praising God for the work He is doing in the lives of His people!

We came home late Thursday night, rejoicing in the Lord. We had planned to leave early Friday morning for a trip to Illinois, but ended up leaving around noon. We arrived at my Uncle Del and Aunt Charis's home and spent three nights there, enjoying visiting family. Aunt Charis is so much fun and we really enjoyed hanging out with her and helping her with her cleaning jobs. We also spent time with my cousins Renee' and Villa & Rob and also my Aunt Anne.

On Saturday we spent an hour holding signs in front of an abortion clinic in Des Plains. The police came by, responding to a complaint against us. They said that we were in our legal rights to stand on the public sidewalk we were on, but they did not like us using the pictures of aborted babies. My Mom explained to them that when the holocaust was going on, no one knew about it until the pictures were shown. Abortion is an American holocaust that needs to be exposed and even though we do not like little children to see the pictures, we would rather they see them than be them. She also told them that we have had reports of people changing their minds about an abortion when they saw those pictures. The police listened politely, then left. We praise God for this opportunity to stand up and proclaim what God's word says, "Thou shalt not murder".

The highlight of the trip was spending Sunday with my Brother Dan and his wife Basia (who is just like a sister) and their two sons, Kristofer and Noah. I had not met the boys yet and it was such a blessing to be with them!

A very happy Aunt!

And a doting Uncle!

And what can be said of a Grandmother's joy?


Michael's first time holding a baby! See the amazement?
This quickly turned to smiles.

Kristofer loved Abby and she liked him!


What a sweet darling baby Noah!

We also visited my Aunt Pam and cousin Danielle and had a wonderful visit.
It was such a blessing to see so many family members and we thank God for the good traveling weather He gave us and the wonderful visits!


Anonymous said...

I don't understand how anyone seeing those pictures can still support abortion...Or watch videos like the ones on Abort73 and still think that there's nothing wrong. Don't people every wonder why its a tough decision to get an abortion? Its cause their conscience is telling them its murder...but sadly our nation shoves the conscience into a closet. Thanks for taking a stand against the holocaust (if only more would see it as it truly is...a holocaust).

Leah said...

I know what you mean Shannon, it seems incredible that people continue to support abortion even when confronted with the facts of the child's development in the womb.
For four years my family and I have gone to the abortion clinic in Duluth MN, to plead for the lives of the unborn. We offer help and resources to the mothers going in and plead with them to spare the life of their baby. I used to think that those mothers couldn't possibly know that their baby is a baby, a person. Sadly I have learned otherwise, most do know and do not care. They are in love with themselves and the baby would get in the way of their plans. They take no thought for the fact that that very thing is God's mercy on them, to turn them from their plans which lead to destruction.
This realization has changed the way I talk to the mothers and now I like to speak more scripture and give them the gospel if at all possible. The Lord gives the right words at the right time.
This nation is soaked with innocent blood and it cries out for judgment and justice to be done and the Lord the righteous Judge will not hold back judgment forever. We need to pray that we will be ready to face the fire which is about to break loose.


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