Saturday, January 10, 2009

Winter Days

These last few days have been gloriously beautiful, with the sun shinning brightly over the sparkling snow covered ground, fluffy white clouds floating lazily by in a deep blue sky, while temperatures hover around zero. There is not much that can compare to such wintry days, unless you count these wintry nights. A brilliant full moon casting diamonds over the snow, millions of stars glittering in the dark sky, silence, oh the silence of such nights, with hundreds of trees raising their bare branches to the sky, while beneath them lay the soft light moon shadows on the snow. Moon shadows, I love shadows cast by the moon. I love the soft glow of moon light over field and forest. It makes me grow quite, it makes me think of the Creator of all these things and it makes me wonder in awe of Him, who though immense beyond comprehension, He cares for me. Tiny little me and yet He cares, He sees, He knows. Thank you Lord.


Lesley said...

This is beautiful, Leah. Thank you for painting such a lovely picture of our wonderful Creator and what He has created!

I hope and pray you are doing well and are staying healthy! I'm so glad you had a good time at Tina's house. She said she had a good week with you there and I'm sure you were a huge help to her.

I am praying and waiting for the time that God will allow me to be out on the streets with you all again. For now, know I am thinking and praying for you all as you stand out there and are the voice for those little ones. Thank you, thank you, for being there.

I sure hope we can be with you and your family sometime soon. I was thinking about stopping by your fellowship today but it was an exhausting morning and we needed to get the girls home for naps. Maybe next week or sometime soon? You're always welcome to stop by if you're in town. I have some dishes to give your mom. Give her my love too and God bless you, Leah! Hope to talk to you soon.


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